segunda-feira, 25 de agosto de 2008

Gusmao welcomed at Parliament House

East Timor's Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao has been given a ceremonial welcome at Parliament House in Canberra this morning, ahead of meetings with Kevin Rudd.
Mr Gusmao is in Australia for four days of meetings.
He will ask the Prime Minister to expand the Pacific Islander guest worker scheme to include workers from East Timor.
But Mr Rudd is unlikely to give an answer today.
"The scheme as we announced it at the Niue Pacific Islands Forum summit is as it stands," Mr Rudd said.
Liberal Senator Mitch Fifield told Sky News he wants to know why that is the case.
"Why for instance is a country such as East Timor left out of it?" he asked.
Mr Rudd says East Timor already receives significant development assistance from Australia.

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