quarta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2008

East Timor backs Iran`s peaceful nuclear activities

Posted: 2008/10/21 From: MNN
He made the remark in a meeting with new Iranian Ambassador to Dili Behrouz Kamalvandi on Monday.At the meeting, the new Iranian ambassador submitted his credentials to President Jose Ramos-Horta.Iran and East Timor enjoy good ties, he said, adding that his country has voiced its opposition to imposition of any sanctions against Iran.

Criticizing the policy of the Zionist regime to expand Jewish settlements, he called for formation of an independent state by the Palestinian nation.He also voiced readiness to pay a visit to Tehran to help broaden ties between the two countries, adding that Dili wishes to benefit from Iran's experiences in energy and technological fields.The new Iranian ambassador also conferred with the country's prime minister as well as some ministers on promotion of investment opportunities, tourism and commerce between the two sides.In the meetings, the Iranian envoy discussed the latest developments in Iran's nuclear program as well as the country's industrial development, adding that Tehran is ready to broaden ties with East Timor. --IRNA

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