sábado, 11 de outubro de 2008

Police chief arrested in East Timor

Updated October 10, 2008 14:40:45
The police chief of East Timor's second biggest city has been arrested amid rising tensions within the force.Stephanie March reports Baucau police commander Aderito da Costa Ximenes was arrested by members of the UN police on Thursday.The sub-inspector has been suspended from his position since August for disciplinary issues, but has continued working despite repeated warnings from superiors.While the UN says the crime is not serious, the move comes at a time when tensions are rising within the force as the government prepares to appoint a permanent national commander.An anonymous leaflet has been circulating throughout the capital threatening to reignite the east/west regional conflict that flared in 2006. The leaflet makes threats against the government if a person from the East is appointed to the top job. Police have increased security in the capital Dili and set up nightly check points to search cars for illegal weapons.

4 comentários:

  1. Kair nia ibaku nia tan nia lakohi rona Presidente nia lia.


  2. Precisam ir todos a uma academia de Policia aprender a ser escravos da ordem de superiores. Senao todos querem mandar.

    Maubere Alkatiri

  3. Lekidoe,

    O' kolia saida? Nee laos ditadura ba o' atu halo buat sira ne'e. Justisa iha ba hotu hotu bele kolia nia hanoin.

    O' baku hau,
    hau baku o',
    ita rua baku malu lae hotu, naokten lori ita riku soi halai,
    Timor oan atn ba bebeik.

    Timor ida deit.

  4. Para se professionalizar as forcas de seguranca e' preciso extrair o cancro que as aflige.

    So assim se podera construir a paz e a estabilidade.


Os seus comentarios sao da sua responsabilidade no entanto, recomendamos que, para o bem de todos se use respeito mutuo nas trocas de palavras, ideias e bla bla bla ..........